Customizable Borders and Logos

A Club Sched user with management privileges, such as the account owner, can incorporate custom borders and/or logo images into Club Sched pages. Custom borders consist of HTML files that may reside on your site, or anywhere on the web. Similarly, custom logos are image files that may reside anywhere.

Club Sched provides an interactive screen to set up custom borders and logos, while viewing the result. You may have up to four custom borders: Top, Left, Right, and Bottom. This "test drive" site uses custom Top and Left borders. The same borders are used on all pages, not just the calendar. Custom logos may appear upper left and/or upper right.

Club Sched displays custom borders within <IFRAME> tags. Of course, you can create frames on your site to display your calendar and reservation pages. However, customizable borders make setup much easier.

Smart Headers

Another advantage to using custom borders is the ability to incorporate "Smart Headers". When Club Sched loads a custom border, it passes "Smart Header" text to the border file via its location/query string. A little JavaScript code in the border file updates its header when the user selects different functions. This technique is used in the top border of this "test drive" site. "Smart Header" information is also used in the left border to deactivate the link to the currently selected page.

Independent Screen/Print Control

Borders, logos and page headers may appear on screen, in print, or both. For our example, borders appear on screen, but not in print. Page headers, included in the top border via Smart Headers, appear only in print. Calendar and Event List pages are therefore "publication ready" when printed.

Advanced Customization

Presentation features of your Club Sched account are controlled by a standard "stylesheet" file. Account managers have the ability to modify this file as desired to adjust fonts, colors, and other presentation features.